Mask Fiend, Haileen Ethnicity in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Mask Fiend, Haileen

The Haileen are the Dormarlings and Fiends of Trickery and Deception, they are natural found in the south-west of Vindictus and the north-west of Interintus. Due to them being part of the servants of Koandicen and his scheemes   The most famous of their kin being the Haileen, Éloïse LeBeau, the Dormarling Clerik that was responsible for the spread of the beliefs and nature of Koandicen, forcing the belief of punishment being the only way to atone to a many societies and places that now server and worship Koandicen alone.  


The Haileen Dormarlings are a secret and mysterious people with limp, slender features and stoic attitudes. They are distinguished from all other Dormarlings, with their bodies being very tall with elongated limbs. Their Skin Colors being composed of shades of white and gray. They are truly genderless and don't possess any genitals   One unique feature of the Haileen is the fact that they don't just have horns, but their entire faces are covered by a structure of bone resembling a mask in the shape of one of the gods angle's image, which is unknown why to even the Haileen Dormarlings themselves, as the only one knowing being Koandicen himself.  


The Haileens small culture is obsessed with only one thing, proving your intellect and mastery of tricks. Haileen Dormarlings do everything in their possibility to prove their intellect to the other members of the community they live in, which which includes rigors studying and training of their minds to allow them their extreme feats of knowledge. Although all Haileen are genderless that does not mean they are a-sexual, some of them are tought as it would be.   Due to the Hunt for Haileen Masks, after the Koandicen Conflict, showed that their masks and dead bodies make wonderful magical enhancers for the creation of Magic items, or strong Potions. The Haileen seldom show themselves in public, tending to only walk in the shadows of light, which why the common folk thinks of them as night dwellers.   If one thing could be said to unite the various cultures of the Haileen, it is their preference for companions that not only can be tricked, but also do not shy back from trying and also succeeding to trick the Haileens. However, even this is not very universal, as this practice is not seen as much in all peoples of the Haileens.
Deities: Koandicen, Ra and Anbus
Encompassed species


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