Love Fiend, Raccubus Ethnicity in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Love Fiend, Raccubus

The Raccubus are the Dormarlings and Fiends of Frost, they are naturally found in all of Libertas and the south-east of Internitus. Due to them being part of the belief and powers of Love and Care, many if they do server a deity serve Anake and no-one else.   The most famous of their kin being the Raccubus, Mari Setojah, the Dormarling Bard that tamed a horde of Dargonkin, in order to repopulate her burnt down town. On that faithful day, it is believed that Anake herself gave her powers of fertility to Mari, which is why the Raccubus Female got turned into the Prophet of Anake under the eyes of Raccubus kind.  


The Raccubus Dormarlings are a warm and welcoming people with attractive features and lascivious attitudes. Not All Raccubus look the same, some of them have some very Human like features, some being interbred with other species, which grant them the ability to shape-shift, as in being able to adjust to their prays likings.   One unique feature of the Raccubus among the Dormarlings is their ability to sense emotions, by touching or keeping prolonged eye contact it is possible for them to feel those emotions as if they were their own, able to feel compassion on a whole different layer, it also allows them to easily manipulate people.  


Raccubus small culture is obsessed with only one thing, living and breeding with other species, it is believed that some Raccuby have the ability to gain or learn magic by using their innate abilities while laying with another being. The reason's for this differ from tribe to tribe, some of them just wanting to create a powerful offspring able to fight and protect their village, others simply so obsessed with themselves they want to leave a piece of themselves in every coming generation.   Alt ought frowned upon some Raccubus, simply life to feed, meaning they use their powers of gaining stamina from mortal fluids to jack themselves in terms of magical powers, this thought has a severe side effect. Using their abilities and absorbing other people's ki too often can cause them to get addicted to a singular person ki should they meet their standards, unable to unbind themselves from their essence, unwillingly becoming a slave to that person.   If one thing could be said to unite the various cultures of the Raccubus, it is their preference for decoration and sharing the wonders of love and lust, not shying away from wearing risky clothing on the streets out of towns. However, this is not universal, as this practice is not seen as much in their peoples in Internius which mainly use their powers, so they don't starve to death.
Encompassed species


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