Fire Fiend, Cambion Ethnicity in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Fire Fiend, Cambion

The Cambions are the Dormarlings and Fiends of Fire, they are naturally found in all of Internitus and the south-west of Libertas. Due to them being part of the belief and powers of fire and the flame, many still serve Koandicen.   The most famous of their kin being the Half-Cambion, Bromia Armiger, the Dormarling Wizards that opened the first school of arcane magic that could be attended by all mortals of the four realms. This Accomplishment has boosted the Dormarlings reputation in the land of Harmonia and people awed by the arts of the Arcane.  


The Cambions Dormarlings are an angry and religious people with masculine features and fiery attitudes. Not All Cambions look the same, some of them have some very distingt Goat features, some having Bottom Halfs similar to goats and goat tails and ears, some of them look like sole humans with their skin being the only distinct feature, their skin does vary from Deep Red to light Pink, with their eyes being mostly tones of Yellow and Orange.   One unique feature of the Cambions among the Dormarlings is their extremely long tongue and the elder Cambions having a second set of eyes right under their main set of eyes, those eyes appear after a Cambion reached its true peace, which why some Cambions never grow their second set of eyes.  


Cambions small culture is obsessed with only one thing, finding their true peace. Cambions Dormarlings do everything they can to obtain this higher state of existence, or at least they call it that, as the true peace of the Cambions is simply a release of all their anger and frustrations as well as their Warmongering pasts, being the first of the Dormarling kind.   If one thing could be said to unite the various cultures of the Cambions, it is their preference for inter-breeding with different Cultures. However, even this is not universal, as this practice is not seen as much in their peoples as of recent
Deities: Koandicen, Flax and Sanguis
Encompassed species


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