Death Fiend, Fomoire Ethnicity in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Death Fiend, Fomoire

The Formoire are the Dormarlings and Fiends of Death, they are naturaly found in all of Vindictus and the south-east of Internitus. Due to them being part of the belief and powers of death, many Formoire serve Flax the Greater.   The most famous of their kin being the Jaguar Formoire, Natkys Trindartis, the Dormarling Champion that was blessed by flax and severed for him many years as a sleeper agent, after the accomplished banishment of Koandicen he was transformed into an angle of Flax, where he fought his way up to become one of Flaxes 3 Arch-Angles, in his form chosen by him.  


The Formoire Dormarlings are a proud and strong people with fierce features and standoffish attitudes. They are distinguished by all other Dormarlings, with the bodies and features being that of big feline bipedal creatures. Altought distinguished by their Feline appearance, their Furr varies from black, white, grey, brown to light orange or dark red.   One unique feature of the Formoire is the fact that even tought they are optically similar to some of the more animalistic and feral beastpeople, they are distinguished for having only four fingers and four toes  


Formoire small culture is obsessed with only one thing, proving your self-worth. Formoire Dormarlings do everything in their possibility to Proof to the other members of the community they live in which alignment and nature they want to be, be it an evil ruler, or a friendly baker in the neighborhood.   If one thing could be said to unite the various cultures of the formoire, it is their preference for inter-linked structures. However, even this is not universal, as this practice is not seen as much in the Formoire peoples in Vindictus.
Deities: Flax, Sary, Anbus and Natkys
Encompassed species


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