Count Armand Baciu Character in The Four Realms of Infinitum | World Anvil

Count Armand Baciu

Count Of house Baciu, Mayor of Kleatar

Count Armand Baciu was born over two centuries ago in the province of Vindicta, within the realm of Hirundo Castrum. He was turned into a grand vampire by a group of rogue vampires who attacked his family's estate, killing his parents and siblings. Armand was the only survivor of the attack, and the rogue vampires saw fit to turn him into one of their own.   At first, Armand struggled with his new existence as a creature of the night. He was consumed by a thirst for blood, and would often attack innocent people to satiate his cravings. However, over time, he began to see the suffering that he was causing and the destruction that his kind was bringing upon the city streets of Kleatar.   As he began to control his thirst for blood, Armand also began to develop a deep sense of compassion and empathy for the people of Vindicta. He saw the injustices that were being committed against them by the ruling elite, and decided to use his position as a phantom to help the people.     Armand became involved in politics, and eventually rose to become the mayor of the Sailing City of Kleatar. He implemented policies that improved the lives of the citizens, such as investing in infrastructure and creating new jobs. He also worked to promote tolerance and understanding between phantoms and other species, using his own experiences as a way to bridge the divide between the two groups.   Despite his good deeds, Armand faced opposition from other phantoms, who saw his actions as a betrayal of their kind. They saw him as weak for not indulging in his thirst for blood, and considered his actions to be an insult to the phantoms way of life.     But Armand remained committed to his beliefs, and continued to work tirelessly for the betterment of the people of Vindicta. He believed that true power lay in the ability to help others, and that he could make a positive difference in the world, even as a phantom.   Today, Armand is still the mayor of Kleatar, and continues to use his influence to improve the lives of his citizens. He has become a symbol of hope and inspiration to both phantoms and other species, proving that even the darkest of creatures can learn to love and make a positive impact on the world.
Divine Classification
Holy Vampire
Current Location
believed to be over 200
Date of Birth
Unkown, Vampire Birth was 78 BTC
Follower of Eldur


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