Session 4.1 Report Report in The Four Evers | World Anvil

Session 4.1 Report

General Summary

While on the magic sheet of moving ice, Vindharpa had just used her magic to create a small dome in the middle trapping herself, Luciane Pendragon, Belios - and Misty Shade inside.   After damaging the Silence Shackles so Belios - could talk, Vindharpa began to question his and the Tahage Dynasty Empire's involvement with the theft of the staff. Belios - was initially very uncooperative, repeatively begging for Luciane Pendragon or Misty Shade to not let Vindharpa Kill him.   After a successful casting of Charm Person on Belios - by Vindharpa, they discovered that a faction within the empire had sought to steal the spear in preporation of whatever conflict may come next, calling the current Emperor, His Imperial Majesty Malik Tahage, a "fool" for persuing peace. When confronted about if he claimed that the elves have long been in possession of items of great power and destruction and if the god Rainor has a problem then maybe he can be killed!   It was at this point that Belios - revealed that there was some intel from during the war, it is believed that the reason that Nillannas, the elven city that exploded at the end of the war provoking Rainor's Proclamation, was that they were working on a weapon that could kill a god, though the intel was unverified.   Luciane Pendragon asked Rune if he knew anything about this. At that moment, Rune sent out a Shadow Dagger at Belios - but Luciane Pendragon jumped in its path. He then cast Modify Memory on Belios -, Vindharpa and Misty but Vindharpa was able to resist the spell. Misty lost all of her memories from the when the dome went up and Belios - lost all of his memories from towards the end of the great war.   Rune Pleaded with Luciane Pendragon and Vindharpa to let him remove the memories and even, much to her shock, possessed Luciane Pendragon's body for a moment to ask Vindharpa directly.   After that, Rune seemed to go dormant and wouldn't respond to any other questions.

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Report Date
01 Oct 2021


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