The God’s Rings Geographic Location in The Five Worlds | World Anvil
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The God’s Rings

Around the planet is a asteroid belt and rings around the planet. There multiple coloured rings and multiple sized asteroids. Around the middle of the planet is a great place to see coloured light displays especially at night. Estimates of width is 25 Metres to one and a half Kilometres. Various sites on the planet are dedicated to the site from stone circles and other standing stones as well as temples and even “Greek theatre style arenas to watch them and or perform in front of.


Some rings appear very thin and others can be made to be very rocky with holes/caves in.. there are also moons nearby.

Fauna & Flora


Natural Resources

From what can be seen mining of stone and or ice and possibly gas.


By some the rings are believed to be put there by the gods. Some say it’s to protect in the planet, some say it’s for the gods love of the planet. Some say it’s where the gods live. With the invention of telescopes some people found out that the rings weren’t just different colours but where different shapes and sizes. The rings appeared to be made of different things. In addition holes, caves and impact craters where found in the outer asteroid ring. Speculation was the gods or the gods minions lived in those.


People are trying to find way to get there to make trips to meet the Gods. A tourist trip was sent there by the Gnomes in a hot air ship. But nothing more was heard from them.
Alternative Name(s)
Circles of Heaven, Rainbows of Heven
Planetary Orbit


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