Goblin Species in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Goblins can be found in the southern marshes near Fellmire, plaguing both man and elf.   Bands of Goblin Skulkers can be found nearly anywhere in the Bright Lands, but they are rare outside of the south.   Goblins are exceedingly fond of alcohol. While they are traditionally drawn to the foul swill that is Hobgoblin Varg Spit, they have taken a shine to human spirits. Most notably the locally made Fell Whisky. Some goblins have even made attempts at making their own whisky, which they call Venom Whisky.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Goblin children spend their early years swarming around their mother until she feels they've grown enough. Then she beats them with a stick until they flee out of the village.   As young adults, goblins roam the swamps in gangs, looking for violent mischief to engage in.   Matured adults live in mud hut villages.    when a goblin reaches a certain age, they wander off into the marshes alone. Presumably to die.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Goblin mud hut villages are typically organized in an anarcho-syndicalist commune structure.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Almost exclusively found in the swamps and marshes of the southern parts of the Bright Land.

Average Intelligence

While not the sharpest of creatures, they do possess a subtle cunning that has them coming out of many situations somewhat better than they otherwise deserve.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblin names tend to be short, blunt, and highly descriptive.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Goblins speak the Orcine language. Their dialect speaks at a slower pace than Hobgoblins, and not nearly as loud and forceful as the Orcs.  Many who live near the borders of Fellmire also speak the language of their human neighbors.
  If ever the trickster god were to make a race to torment the other races, it would be the Goblins. While they are brain-numbingly stupid, they do possess a feral conniving streak that makes them just as deadly as a raging Orc, or a Hobgoblin charging on Varg-back.
Scientific Name
Orcine Goblinus Sapiens
40 years
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Marsh by Adrian Campfield
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