Dwarf Species in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Dwarves are made of stone, and that's why they live underground. Their hearts are made out of gems. And they fear water because are wont they sink like the stone they are.
    Delvers of The Dwarven Mountains

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Dwarven society is based around personal oaths.    The Oath-Bond is similar to the bond between a vassal and a liege among humans, but more powerful and used in all walks of life.  A squad of Rangers might all be bound to their captain, or some might be bound to his second, who is himself bound to the captain.  The Oath lasts the lifetime of the liege, and cannot be broken short of the liege's death. The bond cannot be inherited either.

Common Taboos

Oath Breakers are disowned from all dwarven society.  When confronted with an Oath Breaker a Dwarf will often act as if the offending dwarf doesn't even exist.   In a similar was, anyone who speaks of Mysterious Ruins is likewise ignored as if they do not exist.

Cover image: Mountains by Simon


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