Dionaen Species in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Vicious and small, the dionaen hunger for mammal flesh.  Those who have tasted it, prefer human flesh.    Their twig-like limbs and body are dark brown in color.  Their mouths are a bright bright red, with sticky sap-covered tendrils instead of teeth.   Dionaen who have killed and eaten humanoids before will often use their weapons and wear their clothes in apparent mockery.     Dionaen who have a steady supply of food will continue to grow, potentially reaching massive size.  These monstrous creatures are referred to as Dionaen-Lords.  Dionaen-Lords gather smaller Dionaen to themselves to herd large creatures to them as the Dionaen-Lord waits concealed, burrowed in the underbrush, to ambush and consume anything the smaller dionaen bring to the Dionaen-Lord.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: Forest Mist by Free-Photos from Pixabay


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