Firstsplit Rank/Title in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Globule Petri, Eldest of the Petri Clan youth, has brought dishonor on his clan by leaving the Swamplands of Echeh.   The Petri are a family of ooze type creatures that get their nourishment through the absorption of well, almost anything, the type of nourishment based on what they are absorbing. The clan is known for their hunting ability in the swamplands, despite the somewhat low minded way in which they work. By default, they have cunning and strength, but not intelligence, as their intelligence is absorbed, not learned, and there is not intelligent life to absorb in the swamp.   Globule has the title of Firstsplit, as he was the first to split off into his own from the queen after she had absorbed a particularly large crocodile that had wandered into her pool of ooze. As Firstsplit, he looked to be the rightful heir after the queen, and had the responsibilities of leading the rest of the clan as they split, as well as protecting the queen.   But then, a strange fellow wandered into the swamp, was caught in one of the Petri swamp traps, and was killed. Globule found the body fresh, and as is custom, began to absorb it.   As he absorbed the brain, a change came over him. This was no normal being, this was an illithid who had been acting as a noble in Arcadia, had been discovered, and had fled over the border to the Bone Empire. Hoping to hide in the swamp and possible dominate some of the weaker minds here, he had instead met a grisly fate by a trap beneath his notice.   But absorbing the mind of an illithid had a profound effect on Globule, and he began to have amazing, complex thoughts, and felt there was more to life than a mud hut in a dingy swamp. Despite the protestations of his queen and his clan, the call to learn more with his new found brainpower was too strong, and he left, traveling until he came upon the Dark Academy. He took to school naturally, and worked every hour he wasn't in class or doing homework to pay for his education. Eventually he was noticed by Professor Brian, who offered him an internship after he graduated, and became a teacher at the school and now has a Firstsplit of his own, Bruce.