Brannwyn Character in The Fiery Soul of Eoin Llewelyn | World Anvil
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Brannwyn Liusaidh Cormas (a.k.a. Bran)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Branwen is very agile, flexible and has very fast reflexes. She is quite short and her build is quite small but muscular and strong. She has acutely tuned hearing and extraordinary spatial awareness due to her solas gorm heritage. These skills are helpful with her poor eyesight and colour blindness, which are the negative side effects of being Solas Gorm. She does work as a contortionist and acrobat for the freakshow.

Body Features

She has a raven tattoo on her back from shoulder to shoulder. This is alongside her large collection of earned Solas Gorm warrior tattoos along her arms, legs and torso. She has a large scar running across her abdomen, where she was stabbed during battle, leaving her unable to do much physical activity for years before never fully recovering.

Facial Features

Branwen has sunken glowing eyes and straight eyebrows with many scars scattered around her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Her tattoos are very distinctive and her glowing eyes really stand out.

Physical quirks

She is right-handed and walks in a confident posture.

Special abilities

Because her sight is cloudy and blurry she has advanced other senses. She is able to function properly without her sight which will gradually get even worse over the course of her life. Bran has very sensitive hearing and touch, meaning she is a talented hunter and has good reflexes.

Apparel & Accessories

Branwen normally dons a large black coat, usually paired with a large scarf. Underneath she wears a white shirt with an ankle-length turquoise skirt- or otherwise black leggings. Bran wears many belts containing knives and poisons.

Specialized Equipment

She has a specialized skill in throwing knives and other pointed objects. She has an impeccable aim and knows exactly where to throw things. She has a vast knowledge of anatomy and chemicals. Her flexibility and gymnastic abilities are envious to all. Bran is known to be able to contortion her body in disturbing ways.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brannwyn was born to Adsilian attorney, Adrio Cormas and Gormese prostitute, Catrina Nerys. Her father returned to Adsilia before she was born and her mother committed suicide a few weeks after Bran's birth. After her mother's death, Brannwyn was entrusted to her aunt, Blodwed Nerys, a Gormese warrior. Blodwed decided that it would be best if Brannwyn was trained as a warrior as well. Brannwyn was trained as a warrior under the watchful eye of her aunt until the Gormese Occurrence in 1851. Before this, Brannwyn worked hard to become the best she could be, which according to her aunt, was never good enough. Brannwyn was very close to all her fellow warriors, seeing them all as a family. She was in a romantic relationship with Tearlach, a fellow warrior, until his untimely death during the occurrence. During the Occurrence, Brannwyn was impaled through the abdomen, barely missing major organs. She was taken to the mainland and treated for her injuries. Due to the trauma of the incident, she developed severe survivor's guilt and PTSD resulting in a substance reliance and multiple suicide attempts. A most recent case of drunken disorder led to her arrest and stay in Silve Prison.


Branwen has no formal education and barely knows how to read. She, however, was trained in physical combat and gymnastics.


Branwen served as a Solas Gorm Warrior™ for 11 years. After that, she had odd jobs in retail and other minimum wage jobs to keep herself afloat.

Mental Trauma

Fighting in the War between the Gorm has left a severe impact on her personality and she struggles with dealing with the trauma it caused her. She feels alone and guilty for the fact that she survived.

Intellectual Characteristics

Branwen is very witty, maybe if sometimes in extremely grotesque ways. She is very quick thinking and is could at getting herself out of situations.

Personality Characteristics


At the start, Brannwyn is very much interested in money, but later she turns to genuinely wanting to help The Gang and keep them all safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bran is great at talking to people but is horrible at opening up to people. She struggles with reading and her sight, in general. She is yellow-blue colourblind and is useless with visual problems. Combat and social situations are her strong points.

Likes & Dislikes

She loves performing, good food, the cold. Hates when people take advantage of her sight problems. Hates swimming and water in general, loves trees. Loves looking at good collections of weapons.

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyalty and friendship and love. She usually gives people second chances. Kind to those who deserve it and is always a great listener. She loves to love but it often cautious about it.

Vices & Personality flaws

She develops commitment issues when her sector is killed but is built back up again by the The Gang, as they help her open up more and starts believing again. She is often discouraged by her failure and isn't one to get up and try again. She does drink a lot and had completely relied on it in the past.

Personality Quirks

Once she knows and trusts that person she will be loyal and highly protective and caring towards them, and she knows this hence why she tries to keep away from people so she doesn't lose someone again. She likes being made to feel tall.


Social Aptitude

Branwen is very confident when it comes to talking to people. Comfortable with large crowds and speaking to people she's never met before. She is usually very friendly towards others but only when she isn't on the defensive. She doesn't care for manners but knows is aware of the social norms of most cultures. She prefers to keep to herself in recent years and is much more reserved and introverted that she ever used to.


She is quite patient with people and doesn't get bored easily. Bran often speaks in large jumbled sentences and is sometimes unintelligible.

Hobbies & Pets

She is a connoisseur of nice weapons.


She speaks in a thick deep Gormese accent, sometimes unintelligible to others. She often swears in Gormese but reverts back only when she knows someone will understand her. Her dialect of Gormese is of the warriors and has a much harder pronunciation of sounds.



Twin Brother (Vital)

Towards Brannwyn




Twin Sister (Vital)

Towards Deorsa




Born Together, Fought together.

Nicknames & Petnames

Branny, Er

Relationship Reasoning

Twin Siblings

Eoin Llewelyn

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Brannwyn




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Eoin Llewelyn



Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have problematic romances and the same sense of humour. They can have great fun but also make a great team. They both care immensely for their friends and are both compassionate and kind. They both have the most motivation out of all the characters.

Shared Secrets


Shared Acquaintances

Ben Roderick, Ithel Urien,


Love Interest (Vital)

Towards Ryuunosuke Cardoso



Ryuunosuke Cardoso

Love Interest (Vital)

Towards Brannwyn



Date of Birth
29th June 1835
Aonar, Gorm
Deorsa (Twin Brother)
Light Blue
Waist-length long light brown hair usually tied in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5''2 ft
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Gormese is her mother tongue but is very good with Barmouth, which she learnt after she left Gorm.

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