Eoin Llewelyn Character in The Fiery Soul of Eoin Llewelyn | World Anvil
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Eoin Llewelyn

Lieutenant Eoin Leolin Llewelyn

  • Eoin looked over the scorched fields. The burnt ruins of buildings and houses that he once called home. The place he longed to leave for the so long, now he wished for nothing more than to go back and fix the mess he had made. It was a ghost of its former self, a destroyed memory.

Divine Domains

The Form of Fire

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eoin is not very agile and doesn't have very fast reflexes. He has an average build and but he isn't particularly strong or skilled physically until he starts his military training after which he gains muscle and fighting knowledge.

Body Features

He has several scars from run-ins with wild animals as a kid, and from his military service. Notably one down the side of his torso and across his back.

Facial Features

Eoin has a roundish face with dark red round eyes. He has thickish eyebrows with a couple of scars and cuts on his face. Specifically, a scar threw his right eyebrow, and another scar across the bridge of his nose. His hair is short, curly, dark brown with a longer fringe that hangs over the left side of his face.

Identifying Characteristics

His red eyes are very distinct but usually only noticable in a specific light. He is very attractive but has an almost forgettable sort of face.

Physical quirks

Eoin is right-handed and walks in a slightly slouching posture. Because he gets bored easily he often taps his fingers or feet unknowingly.

Special abilities

Marialla Yfn (/ɨːvn/) (Goddess Combine=Demi-god) Eoin is a demi-god and has pyrokinesis and fire resistance.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a smart, brown military uniform with varying levels of layers. If not in uniform he wears a plain white shirt, tucked into smart brown pants with suspenders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eoin was born to Leolin Llewelyn and Adis, his father was a lower-class farmer in rural Northen Teithio while his mother was a fire goddess. He grew up with a large family so he often went outside to explore or spend time with the animals. When he was little his mother brought him back books from the local market. Eoin loved to read these and was always excited when new books were brought. When he was around 3 his mother left the small village under mysterious circumstances. Eoin spent his time reading grew more distant to the rest of his family who already didn't like him much.   As a child, in his big family without a mother he was constantly told was to do and judged and criticised constantly by his family and others. He was bullied and never felt part of anything due to how his family resented his mother. Eoin always felt helpless and underestimated, feeling quite insecure but desperately wanting to prove himself. Eoin took was conscripted into the Teithian army in 1856, at age 18. During his time in the military, he absorbed the mannerisms and quirks of his fellow, dead, soldiers. However, all the friends he made soon died, leaving him alone searching for validation by impulsively doing risky actions or looking after his cousin who also joined alongside him. Eoin has abandonment issues, sparking from his mother leaving and seeing fellow soldiers fall. He started to believe, however, that he doesn't need anyone and became very independent. In 1858, he escaped the a POW camp, freeing all his fellow prisoners and destroying the camp. He did so using his resistance to fire and ability to start small fires that he inherited from his mother. When this happened, the military found out about these abilities, which were new to Eoin as well. The army ranks him highly and devises ways to use his skills in battle. He is still loyal, courageous and seeks freedom for validation within himself and from others. He changed physically and mentally trying to be better than he was, something that he wasn't.




Eoin spent a lot of his childhood reading several books his mother brought him, teaching himself how to read. He attended occasional classes for children, usually once a week but found he learnt more on his own.


Eoin worked on his family's farm and took up odd jobs around his village. In 1856 he joined the Teithian Army.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eoin freed himself and fellow Teithian prisoners of war from a Camp in Divetha after Stormhollow. He was praised as a hero, and was awarded. His abilities were also revealed and was from then on, used by the military.

Failures & Embarrassments

Growing up, Eoin was bullied and he often made a fool of himself. There were times when he went to talk to girls and was harshly and sharply rejected in front of his peers. The defeat of Stormhollow.

Intellectual Characteristics

Interpersonal, verbal-linguistic, Visual-spatial

Morality & Philosophy

Doing good only cause it feels right.

Personality Characteristics


To try and bring the war between Teithio and Difetha to an end and make sure his family and friends can be safe. Wanting to prove himself to his family.   He wants to find himself, beyond what other people tell him and prove to himself and others that he is intelligent and not a waste of space. He wants to be free and show that he is capable on his own   That he is capable and can prove everyone wrong, that he can cope without others and doesn't need others. That he is unloved and that no one would care about him even if he wanted them to. He believes in trying to help others and likes the attention and praise of being a hero.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at cracking language-oriented codes, horrible at numbers. Incridible at empathizing with other's emotions and sympathies. Is Musically inept.

Likes & Dislikes

He loves the colour red, reading books, being outside and making new friends. He dislikes being alone, having no purpose. Dislikes Fish, he is deeply disturbed by them. Hates being told how to do things.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick thinking and quick-acting. Observant and generous. Compassionate and empathetic, also charismatic.    Freedom, he doesn't like being told what to do Courage   Passion   Loyalty- When he does find someone he cares about/they care about him he will stay loyal

Vices & Personality flaws

Impulsive actions and impulsive speaking. He doesn't always think things through before doing and overthinks it afterward. He is very impatient and likes things to keep moving. Extremely restless being in one place for too long. He believes that he doesn't need anyone and is independent. Self-driven and enterprising, he denies his own emotional needs. He can be ruthless, vengeful, and sociopathic.

Personality Quirks

Fidgets a lot and can't sit still for too long. Talks very fast when nervous. He also has an amazing memory. Many quirks in his speech or personality are artificial, and are forced by Eoin from picking them up from soldiers.


Contacts & Relations

He doesn't really know many people outside of Teithio at first but has lots of contacts throughout the Teithian military. He's close to all the men in his squad and his good friends with Rhosyn Begbie, the military achivist.

Family Ties

His mother is Adis, Goddess of Fire and one of the 4 sisters of the Marialla. His dad's side of the family is large, although, Eoin has few friends within it. He's close to his cousins Dilwyn and Bevan, and his father, Leolin.

Religious Views

Eoin used to be a little sceptical of Marialla but was proven very wrong.

Social Aptitude

Eoin is very confident when it comes to talking to people. Comfortable with large crowds and speaking to people he's never met before. He is also very charismatic and most of who he speaks too often take a liking for him. He has polite manners but knows practically nothing about proper etiquette in the higher classes.


Eoin often speaks fast when excited or nervous, usually making him unintelligible. He is very friendly and it sometimes becomes annoying to other people. But overall he tries to get on most people's good sides. He gesticulates a lot.

Hobbies & Pets

Likes reading in different languages and reading in general. He also really likes writing, he enjoys keeping a journal.


Eoin often speaks in a bouncy and slow musical tone, this is because of his Teithian accent. He also often speaks his mind out loud to himself and speaks impulsively towards others. He swears often his Teithian and reverts back to Teithian when emotional.


Eoin Llewelyn

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Brannwyn




Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Eoin Llewelyn



Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both have problematic romances and the same sense of humour. They can have great fun but also make a great team. They both care immensely for their friends and are both compassionate and kind. They both have the most motivation out of all the characters.

Shared Secrets


Shared Acquaintances

Ben Roderick, Ithel Urien,

Wealth & Financial state

Eoin is from the poorer lower class. His family depends on fruitful harvests to trade and have for themselves. He doesn't have much but that doesn't matter in his small village due to simply trading and working for resources. As an officer, he gets a much steadier pay-check, that he sends back home only keeping enough for himself to survive on.
Divine Classification
Marialla Yfn
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Private (First Joined Army) Second Lieutenant (Promoted to Officer rank) Lieutenant (Current) Captain (~~~Future~~~)
Date of Birth
18th August
Year of Birth
1838 VD 22 Years old
Dark Red
Short, slightly curly dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A light chestnut colour
5''11 ft
Quotes & Catchphrases
The Marialla
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He can speak fluent Monarcha, his mother tongue but is also quite well-spoken in Adsilian from reading books and interacting with traders and friends. He also has limited knowledge of Gormese, which Brannwyn helps him with.

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