Fjellavjern Organization in The Farlands | World Anvil
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" The Lord of Iron walked the empty stone halls of his empty castle, gazing out on odd step to the sprawling wilderness that encroached upon the base of the mountains, his mountains. Built around him are the cold, stone carved walls of his forefathers, a keep built into the side of Mount Tordenvær, the keep that his father died in and his father before him, the keep that has weathered a thousand storms since the days of its construction and the keep that has stood as a symbol of his families power and their right to be Jarls of Fjellvjern for nearly 300 years. The Lord of Iron, Jarl of Fjellvjern, and patriarch of clan Nyberg, his power, his land, even his title, all were the structure to the figure that the peasants carved of him, but was that all to him? He pondered this question all the way down the grand hall and into his throne room, was this truly all he had to show the All Father when it was truly his time? Or would he be judged by the small deeds of his life, of his youth and the small glories that he secretly awarded himself at the conclusion of each great hunt, and every successful delve into the great mines of his forebears. What made him Jarl? What gave him right to rule over such brave, honest and hard workers? A voice boomed in his mind, giving him the answer he needed, 'You have earned it! You were chosen by your peers, and by your King! Fear not for your soul my son for I shall welcome you gladly into the gates of Valhalla!', renewed in himself and with a fully lifted heart and pride, Hjotr The Lord of Iron, climbed the high steps of his throne and sat before his Thane and lords and began the great Commune." - Orator Flokir Steady Hand


The province of Fjellvjern like any other on the island is ruled by the Jarl, his thane, and lords. Similar to the structure of the brother provinces, Fjellvjern is divided into five holds each ruled by a Banner Lord and his clan, these clans include the clan of the Jarl of the province. The first clan of Fjellvjern is the clan of the Lord of Iron himself, clan Nyberg, situated in the Storm Breaker Mountains they control the iron and silver mines of the island, and are the primary producers of weapons for the isle. Neighboring their lands, hugging the western coast of the isle are the lands of clan Sigrson, decedents of High King Sigrun Golden Spear they are the wardens of the western coast of the province, their main produce is crab and fish which is used in trading with foreign merchants at the port cities of western Hovestad. To the far north east of the province is the land of Clan Jarnberinn, the clan of the High King's Thane Brynjar, they are the first of the remaining holds that produces the timber and wood that used to build the homes, halls and ships of the island. Neighboring their lands to the south east are the forested lands of Clan Jarnfjall, a clan of warriors and builders who are the primary building force of the province, they are the elite axe men of the Lord of Iron and are his most loyal banner men. Directly East from their border is the land of the final lord and his clan, Clan Runarsson produce the shields, handles, masts, and oars of the island, they are the most influential of the lords of the province and are all to keen to let the other lords aware of this fact.


The Jernsens are a people who carved out their living within the forest and within the depths of the mountains themselves, their lives revolve around the trees, the wildlife that dwells within them, and of the metal that rests deep within the mountains. As a result of this Fjellvjern has the highest number of warriors, and they are the best trained and most skilled on the island, for they live by the blade everyday, no one can swing or throw and ax like a jernsen, they are true masters of the blade and are artists in combat.
Geopolitical, City-state
Alternative Names
The Iron Forest
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Legislative Body
The jarl and his lords meet every year in order to discuss the proper way to govern, tax and rule the people of the province. In this Mute the lords convey their grievances with the jarl and his leadership and the jarl responds to their grievances in kind, this mute lasts between two days to a week depending of the severity of the charges brought up by either side, and the difficulty in which these charges can be address and remedied.
Judicial Body
The lords and their bannermen are tasked with enforcing the laws of the province within their given hold, if it is revealed that they have failed in this manner than the lords loyalties can be called into question and they can be removed as lord of their clan, and it will either be given to a lesser clan or will be passed down to the next in line for the title.
Parent Organization
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities


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