Vespidian Species in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


A Vespidian is a halfling whose animal half is that of a wasp. Vespidians usually wear either all black or black and yellow, and they have amber or transparent wings, along with large antennae protruding from their head. They do not have stingers, but as a general trend, most vespidians are most comfortable wielding swords or spears.   Two of the more prominent species of vespidian are the Yellowjackets, and the Cicada Killers.   The Yellowjacket species of vespidian is very serious and regimented, and they have their own military, which is renowned as one of the strongest and most resilient military forces in the world. They take everything seriously and have no sense of sarcasm or humor.   The Cicada Killer species of vespidian are thugs or crime bosses, and are consistently involved in back-alley dealings or underground crime networks. They are a kind of crime syndicate, and use any means necessary to accomplish their goals.

Basic Information


Vespidians are mostly similar to normal humans, with a few exceptions. Their eyes are black with a thin yellow hexagon pattern. They have two large antennae on top of their head, and they have thin amber or translucent wings protruding from their backs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Vespidians reproduce sexually, but lay eggs instead of giving live birth.

Ecology and Habitats

Vespidians tend to live in forests, fields or areas with large amounts of plant life.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Vespidians' eyes are black with thin yellow hexagons all over their eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Human or higher

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Plant Detection: Vespidians can sense plant life within a certain radius.
  • Supercolor Vision: Vespidians have an increased range of visible color.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Yellow Jacket military, Cicada Killer Mob

Average Technological Level

Dwarven or lower

Major Language Groups and Dialects


Common Dress Code

There is no official code of dress, but most vespidians prefer to wear form fitting clothing or formal clothing.
Scientific Name
Homo sapiens vespa
70-100 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5-6 feet (152-183cm)
Average Weight
140-200 lbs (63.5-91 kg)