Thunderbird Species in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Thunderbirds are a close cousin of the phoenix, and are exactly what they sound like. Thunderbirds have the ability to start storms, and hurl lightning with a flap of their wings. They are blue in color, with silver feathers interspersed in the underside of their wings. They are roughly the same size as phoenixes.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Thunderbirds reproduce sexually.

Ecology and Habitats

Thunderbirds live in the clouds, and prefer incredibly dense clusters of cumulonimbus clouds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Thunderbirds, unlike their cousins, require nothing other than water vapor and lightning to survive. They consume the clouds around them. This is why they are often seen close by when more violent storms occur.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Human or lower

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Lightning Bolt Projection: Thunderbirds can loose lightning on a target with a strong flap of their wings. This ability appears to be a conscious decision, since the lightning does not appear every time.
  • Magic Sense
  • Storm Sense: Thunderbirds can sense incoming bad weather or thunderstorms.
Scientific Name
Phoenica procella (Order: Accipitriformes, Family: Accipitridae)
80-100 years
Conservation Status
Average Height
30-35 inches (76-89 cm)
Average Weight
6-10 lbs (3-4.5 kg)