Telummancy Spell in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Telummancy, also called telummkinesis or simply weapon magic, is a class of magic involving the creation and manipulation of weapons.


Telummancy is used to materialize and create weapons of any kind, be it melee weapons, guns, or anything inbetween. It can also be used as a tool, when being used to create knives or workshop tools.

Side/Secondary Effects

The most common side effects vary by intended weapon, but usually involve the telummancer cutting or shooting themselves or others by accident, which can be fatal.


The manifestation of telummancy varies greatly by the spell.


Telummancy is commonly drawn from either the user's internal magic pool, or the ambient magic around them.


The origin of telummancy is the subject of much debate. The dwarves and elves are in constant argument over who invented it first, but there's no historical record available to settle the score.
Material Components
Telummancers require only magic to create their weapons.
Gestures & Ritual
Varies by spell
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Varies by spell
Effect Casting Time
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Applied Restriction
Telummancers cannot work in areas saturated with antimagic. If the telummancer does not have precise knowledge of the weapon they are trying to create, the weapon will likely come out deformed, unusable, or oddly shaped.