Sprite Species in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Sprites are are a species of winged humanoids. Sprites are a bit different from fairies; while fairies look like smaller humans, sprites look more like aliens.

Basic Information


Sprites' eyes are a solid color, and their skin can be tinted any color of the rainbow. Sprites have two fingers and a thumb on teach hand, and only two digits on their feet. Sprites are more attuned to nature magic and are much more adept at magic in general than fairies (the Fae hold a one-sided grudge over this, and have for hundreds of years.) Sprites have butterfly wings, instead of fairies' or pixies' intricate, translucent wings.

Biological Traits

Sprites do not age, and if nothing were to threaten them, they could potentially live forever. They are prey of larger animals, however, such as cats, birds, drakes, snakes, goblins, slimes, hellhounds, and dipsa. Luckily, they're smart enough to avoid most predators, and the life expectancy of a typical sprite is anywhere from one hundred to three hundred years.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sprites are born in areas with high concentrations of nature-aligned magic, as opposed to fairies, who can be born wherever there is raw magic at all.

Ecology and Habitats

Sprites typically live in heavily forested or wooded areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sprites are similar to butterflies, in that they only require nectar for food.   As an aside, there are several foods and drinks which have a significant impact on either a sprite's psychology or their magical abilities.
  • Tea, of any kind, is essentially a powerful sedative or hypnotic for a sprite, lulling them into a deep sleep with just a few mouthfuls. Chamomile tea is enough to put them into a slumber that lasts weeks.
  • Processed sugars, such as those found in candy or chocolate, have a bizarre effect on a sprite's decision making skills and magical ability. More details can be found further on in this article.
  • Coffee, or any caffeine, is a potent psychedelic and hallucinogenic substance for sprites, sending them on "trips" that can be very intense and possibly cause the sprite short-term or even permanent psychological trauma. Giving a sprite caffeine is therefore not advised.

Additional Information


Like fairies, some races have allowed sprites to share their home, and before the war, even some humans allowed this. The owner of the household will need to lay down some ground rules as soon as possible, otherwise a sprite will have little to no regard for possessions or people whatsoever.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Sprite wings are used in potions.

Facial characteristics

Sometimes sprites can have pointed ears.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forested or wooded regions

Average Intelligence

Human or higher

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Inhibition Release and Sugar Empowerment: When given processed sugars, like those found in candy or chocolate, it causes sprites to lose their inhibitions and become more excitable. This results in impaired decision-making skills and general lack of better judgement. Additionally, these processed sugars can multiply a sprite's magical ability by up to ten times what they are normally capable of. The effect is multiplicative, so the more sweets a sprite has, the more dangerous they become.
  • Life Energy Detection
  • Magic Detection
  • Weak Chlorokinesis: Sprites are capable of plant and nature-based magic, but only to a certain extent. They cannot perform large, complex, or powerful spells individually.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Aside from human standards of beauty, wing intricacy or pattern is part of what is considered beautiful.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Fae, with sprite dialect/accent

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sprites get along with most races, except those from Hell and "darker" versions of a race.
Scientific Name
Volantum magicae papilio
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
5-6 inches (13-15 cm)
Average Weight
2-3 ounces (56.6-85 grams)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking