Etrix Geographic Location in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Etrix is mainly swamp, and used to be the home of several fairy races. However, this is no longer the case. Without fairy interference, packs of goblins have taken over, and spend their time hunting whatever they can find. Occasionally, wisps can also be seen here. Human life has seldom touched this continent, but what little interaction there has been has been destructive.


Etrix is almost entirely a swamp. It is wet and hot there, and the trees are so thick that little sunlight gets through, making it dark year-round.

Fauna & Flora

Fairies used to live here, but since the war, they've abandoned it, and any new fairy that is born usually flees. Goblins are the main inhabitant now, though wisps can be seen floating about from time to time. Non-magical life can also be found in droves here, such as crocodiles, beavers, snakes, fish, insects, frogs, and lizards. As for plant life, the area is heavily forested, and overgrown in some areas. Vines sometimes constrict the trees and ferns sprout up everywhere.

Natural Resources

Wood, water, meat, raw magic
Related Materials