Elestrea Geographic Location in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Elestrea is completely overrun by technology and the human population has become cramped. A long time ago, humans and mythologicals used to live here together, but human technology became so advanced and so common that they couldn't keep up. Mythologicals have abandoned this continent, and the density of magic in the air has declined to almost nothing. And now, thanks to the war, they're not allowed to return.


Most of the land has been flattened, to make way for roads, buildings and houses. Plant life is sparse and sometimes whole stretches of land can be seen without any.

Fauna & Flora

Humans and robots are the only things that live on this continent, including non-magical creatures. All of their food, clothing, and even building materials are made from within the continent, thus making Elestrea fully self-sufficient.

Natural Resources

Nearly anything can be created by machines on Elestrea, and so it has unlimited resources.
Characters in Location