Electrokinesis Spell in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Electrokinesis, also called electromancy or simply electric magic, is a class of magic involving the manipulation and weaponization of electricity.


Electric magic is primarily used either as a weapon or tool.

Side/Secondary Effects

The most common side effect, which can be fatal, is electrocution — either of oneself or the people around them.


The manifestation of electrokinesis varies greatly by the spell, but across all spells, the main indication is electricity.


Electrokinesis is commonly drawn from either the user's internal magic pool, or the ambient magic around them.


Electricity is one of the primal elements, and electrokinesis is a base magic that has existed since the beginning of time.
Material Components
Electrokinetics require some kind of medium for the electricity to pass through, be it liquid, solid, or gas.
Gestures & Ritual
Varies by spell
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Varies by spell
Effect Casting Time
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Applied Restriction
Electrokinetics cannot work in a vacuum, as there is no matter to interact with the charge. They also cannot work in areas with antimagic present.