Carbuncle Species in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil

Carbuncle (CARR-bun-kull)

Carbuncles are catlike creatures with fur and skin of varying colors from the spectrum, each with a jewel set in their head. The jewel matches their color: if blue, it will be a sapphire. If red, it will be a ruby, if green, an emerald, etc. Carbuncles have the ability to open portals through space and other planes of existence.

Basic Information


A carbuncle has the same anatomy as a wildcat or domestic cat, aside from the gem set in their foreheads.

Genetics and Reproduction

Carbuncles reproduce the same way as any cat species.

Ecology and Habitats

Carbuncles live in dense wooded or forested areas, and can often only be spotted due to the light they sometimes give off. They hunt mice, small birds, and whatever else they can get their paws on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carbuncles eat small creatures like mice and birds, but will sometimes hunt larger prey if they feel confident or are traveling with another carbuncle.

Additional Information


Carbuncles are frequently kept as pets by many races, and before the Great War, this included humans. They are as affectionate as a normal domestic cat, and behave in the same manner.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Unfortunately, since the war, humans have hunted carbuncles for their gems (for use in jewelry and decoration) and pelts. In addition, due to their ability to open portals, many have tried to train carbuncles in either attacking or item retrieval. So far, attempts at training have yielded no results.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Woods, forests, swamps

Average Intelligence

That of a domestic cat or higher

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Life-Force Detection
  • Magic Detection
  • Planar Travel/Portal Creation: Carbuncles have demonstrated the ability to move through space and between planes of existence at will, be it through an existing plane or one created by a magician. Efforts to keep carbuncles out of any area have thus far proven ineffective. Research on an upper limit for how many times a carbuncle can open a portal without tiring has been rather vague, but most agree the limit is at least 5 portals per hour.
Scientific Name
Felis silvestris lapides
25-30 years
Conservation Status
Near Threatened
Average Height
9.1-9.8 inches (23-25cm)
Average Weight
7.9-9.9 lbs (3.5-4.4 kg)