Waste Procesing Factories Technology / Science in The Fall of Gaira | World Anvil
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Waste Procesing Factories

One of the biggest problems on the late Empire of Gaira was the huge amount of waste produced, especially with the ever-increasing populations. Thus in the Age of Lights, this problem was solved with a brilliant project of the brightest minds of the empire.
Because of the complexity of the machinery and the delicate "human factor" needed for the task, a very specific kind of Major AI was created. This massive structure is able to process thousands of tons of mixed garbage and quickly identify and remove from the batch what shouldn't be there: valuable items, people, dangerous explosives... once the garbage is properly classified the usable materials are treated and recycled, if something is not worth recycling then is put into powerful ovens that atomize the waste and then the atoms are rearranged into usable material.
Besides the waste processing machinery, there are other important parts. All of them are monitored and directly controlled by the AI, working like a single entity.
  • Cleaning drones: These machines are tasked to take garbage to the processing plant. Tasked with maintaining the environment clean not only grab garbage from the bins but also from natural spaces.
  • Air purifiers: Air purifiers are tall towers around the plant that analyze the quality of air and proceed to decontaminate it, depolluting the atmosphere if needed.
  • Decontaminators: Those drones are sent to heavily contaminated zones to absorb the contaminating substances of the environment. They typically decontaminate waters but sometimes they work on land or air.
  • Security drones.
  • Maintenance drones.
  • Information drones: Those drones are tasked with retrieving and analyzing information about local customs and sensibilities, they make sure the duty of the other machines is not insensitive to the locals.

My drones no longer work and the entire facility has suffered critical damage, so this may be my last recording. Don’t worry about me: my time has been worthwile and my job fullfilling. Farewell, everyone. - Record of the AI found in the ruins of an old waste procesing factory.
    Unfortunately, there are not many of them left. A lot of them were destroyed during the Fall. Some of them can be repaired, and others are simply deprived of their power source but sadly there are thousands of plants broken beyond repair, with their AI dead.
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Jan 29, 2023 09:24

Very nice! :D How is the garbage problem now that the AI are dead? Are there just so many fewer people that it's not a problem, or do we have some Wall-E worlds out there?

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jan 29, 2023 13:22

Well, that is a really good question. In general terms, there are fewer people so generally is not a problem yet (And also being a post-apocalyptic galaxy a lot of people scanvege). But now that you mention it, yeah, it could be some Wall-E worlds out there, the galaxy is big and the point of the setting is exploration and discovery, so it is a very interesting posibility :D   Thank you for the comment!