Warlord Rank/Title in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The Warlord is the monarch of the Blood Fae. It is a position won by strength rather than passed down through blood. The one who holds the title of Warlord makes decisions for the entirety of the Blood Elves and the Blood Low and none will nay say them.
The title is won by challenging and defeating the current Warlord in combat, usually to the death or surrender of a party. The Warlord must then be accepted by all the tribe chiefs of the Swamplands before the title is bestowed. If a chief does not accept a prospect Warlord they must challenge them for the title. If the chief wins the process begins anew. If the prospect wins they are Warlord unless another chief challenges.


Strongest of all Fae in the Swamplands.


Must have a minimum of 5 battle marks and 2 seconds.


To win this title, a warrior must challenge and defeat the current warlord. After doing so, they must be accepted or challenged by the tribe chiefs. If challenged again they must fight and win until there are no more challengers after which they are named the Warlord.


The Warlord keeps the Blood Fae and the Blood Low in check.
It is their duty to manage and settle major disputes between tribes and make the larger war decisions for the nation. It is the Warlord that stops or starts a war in which all the Blood Fae fight will in.
They are the only one to whom all the tribe chiefs will answer to and the only one who can call to arms the entirety of the Blood Folk and Blood Low.
They are the one who speaks for the nation and who diplomatic parties from other nations will seek out.


The Warlord has no day to day tasks. Every tribe in the nation is ran and operated by their own chief. Whilst most Warlords have been tribe chiefs in their own right, it is not uncommon for the Warlord to carry on their lives as they had previously.
The Warlord is a person that is called upon to call together all the tribes or to handle issues that could result in a large loss of life. Even in the home of the Blood Fae this is not a daily occurrence. 
Some Warlords have taken interest in the imports and exports of the Swamplands as well as their general wealth, whilst others have only done what the title mandates.


The Warlord is afforded the respect of the entire nation. This comes with tributes paid from all the tribes that can include wealth, weapons, clothing and the largest and most luxurious home of each tribe and town.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Warlord loses the title after being defeated by a worthy challenger. The challenger however may only take the Warlord title. If the current Warlord is also the chief of a tribe, a separate challenge must be made for that title and the challenger must be of that tribe also.


The title of Warlord dates back to the original founding of the Blood Fae faction under the Unseelie Queen. In those times, the Blood Folk were even more savage and tribalistic. They warred amongst themselves constantly, split into small clans all defending and seeking more territory. It wasn't until one Blood Fae, knowing the Blood would never have a voice to the Unseelie Queen like the Ash did so long as they were divided, took action. She went from tribe to tribe, accompanied by only her mate and defeated each chief, demanding their oath of loyalty so long as her strength was unbeaten. After she had the vows of every clan in the Swamplands, she went to the Unseelie Queen and requested the right to act as a representative of all the Fae in the Swamplands. 
The Unseelie Queen accepted and the warrior gained her people their rightful place at the Queen's side in her court.
Civic, Honorific
Form of Address
Equates to
Ash King
High Priest of the Gold Council
Forest Matriarch
Source of Authority
Strongest Fae in the Swamplands
Length of Term
Until challenged and defeated
Related Locations

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