True Dragon Species in The Extended Perkinsverse | World Anvil

True Dragon

True Dragons are the physical manifestations of The Material Plane. Just as Angels are the physical manifestations of The Lawful/Good Planes, Demons are manifestations of the Evil/Chaotic Planes and Elementals are manifestations of the Elemental Planes. True Dragons come in many varieties and stories of their origins are often contradictory and ultimately sourced from Dragonkind themselves. This makes pinning down a fixed beginning for True Dragons is virtually impossible. Perhaps it is one of the unknowable, fundamental truths of the Multiverse and mortal minds can never truly know? In any case True Dragons come in a variety of shapes, colors and alignments.

Basic Information


True Dragons are generally scaled, highly intelligent, inherently magical and oviparous. They typically have long catlike bodies with 4 legs, 2 wings, a tail and a serpentine neck, although this is not always true.

Genetics and Reproduction

True Dragons are oviparous, and reproduce sexually.

Growth Rate & Stages

True Dragons can live for thousands of years and sometimes longer. The most powerful True Dragons can often become functionally immortal.

Ecology and Habitats

True Dragons inhabit a wide variety of ecosystems. True Dragons of a certain level of power can also have passive effects on the areas around their lairs, effecting the weather, precipitation, water quality and other features simply by living in the areas

Dietary Needs and Habits

True Dragons are omnivorous and also capable of eating things not generally considered food such as minerals, magic items or siphoning energy from powerful sources of magic.

Biological Cycle

As True Dragons age, they generally become larger and more magically powerful. They enter long periods of hibernation and their temperament can mellow or deteriorate based on subtype. When they reach a certain stage in their later lives they can either become powerful enough to achieve functional immortality as a Greatwyrm or diffuse into their environment and infuse the areas around the sites of their deaths with powerful elemental features in line with their own elemental natures.


All True Dragons form hoards. Collections of massive amounts of valuable objects and magical items. Exactly what each True Dragon prefers for their hoards is unique to each subtype but if it has value they will not turn down collecting it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

True Dragons typically have dominance based hierarchies where the size of their hoards, age, territories, and magical potency are the metrics for their social standing.


Dragons reared by other species can be cooperative and colaborative with other species but to call any True Dragon "domesticated" would be a fundamental misunderstanding of True Dragons and their natures as elemental incarnations of the forces of the world.

Average Intelligence

True Dragons are always more intelligent than natural beasts. Some varieties can be very primal and animalistic in their thinking but they are always cunning, contemplative, and insightful. All True Dragons are capable of magic inherently and also capable of becoming extremely powerful wizards.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As a general rule True Dragons have advanced senses of sight, smell, and hearing as well as additional magical senses depending on the type of True Dragon and their age.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Hoard Scarabs, Hoard Mimics, Kobolds, Lizardfolk.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

True Dragons speak Draconic. They seem to know this language inherently, hatching from their eggs fully capable of verbal speech.


There are multiple theories or stories surrounding the origin of True Dragons and Dragonkind as a whole.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
2200 - ∞ years
Average Physique
All True Dragons are physically powerful, becoming stronger as they grow larger. True Dragons continue to grow through their entire lives, eventually becoming large enough to engulf entire cities in their Breath Weapons.
Geographic Distribution