United Nations Marine Corps Organization in The Expanse | World Anvil
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United Nations Marine Corps

The United Nations Marine Corps serves aboard UN Navy vessels and guards Earth outposts in the Belt and beyond. Marines wear vacuum-rated and radiation shielded powered armor, enabling them to engage in combat operations virtually anywhere in the system. The UNMC can place over 100 million troops on the battlefield, far outnumbering the ground forces of any other nation including Mars, and the fact that UN marines are born, raised, live, and train in the one full gravity of Earth gives them a considerable advantage against opponents accustomed to the lower gravities of Mars or the Belt. The current leader of the Outer Planets Alliance, Fred Johnson, was formerly a colonel in the United Nations Marine Corps, where he gained infamy throughout the system as the “Butcher of Anderson Station.”
Military, Marine Corps
Alternative Names
Training Level
Parent Organization


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