Drinuvarian Kingdom Organization in The Evergreen Realms | World Anvil
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Drinuvarian Kingdom


The Drinuvarian Kingdom is ruled by the monarch, King XXXXX, with the help of his guiding council. The King resides in Thallingen and exerts control over the kingdom by installing Governors to watch over the many city states of the Kingdom.  These Governors look after the areas surrounding their city states and send representatives to the court of the king. In some cases the families of the Governors are given lavish residences in the Kings castle to ensure compliance and obedience but never in the Kingdom's history has this leverage been used and now has become mainly symbolic. Within the Kingdom there are a few baronies created for favoured advisors to the King. These Barons and Baronesses answer directly to the King and pay no taxes to their local Governor. they control lands far smaller and retain the profits from those lands, aside from a token taxation.


The motto of Drinuvaria summarises their cultures core tenets well. Prosperity through Diligence. The People here are incredibly hard workers and understand that all elements of a society must work together in order for them to prosper. In Drinuvaria there is no one religion or preferred deity, the people are free to worship who they wish as long as it doesn't contradict the core tenets of their society.   The culture as a whole is a bustling one, seen from a market the people move fast, wasting no time in selling their wares and buying supplies. Coin changes hands freely and quickly at stalls rich with quality produce of all types. (Smoked meats and cheeses, fresh and lush produce, clothing, general tools and farm equipment)   Drinuvaria has a large celebration for the end of Harvest Season at the end of the month of Flamerule. From the beginning of the Settling harvest has been an important time for Drinuvaria and the city states that make it.   Wasting food within the Kingdom of Drinuvaria is considered incredibly rude. Food and its careful growing and use has allowed Drinuvaria to become what it is today, To throw food away is incredibly disrespectful to the Farmers that grew it and conveys that you don't wish Drinuvaria to prosper.

Public Agenda

The Main Ideal of the Drinuvarian Kingdom is prosperity at all costs. This approach has led Drinuvaria to become a very prosperous nation in which food is plentiful, even if the quality is at times, less than gourmet. Nearly everyone who is able to work has a job that they enjoy or are rewarded well for, with the least desirable jobs coming with a more desirable wage. Unfortunately, as with any organisation of this scale, every action cannot be overseen and things fall through the cracks. Since the beginning of the Era of Expansion, the King has set his sights and focus to utilising air travel to project his power. Having already taken control of the last norther free city state of Ölstadt. This has meant that his Governors are able to be more easily persuaded to look the other way but those of nefarious intent.   The Drinuvarian Kings have coveted the land of Hadaalin for centuries, for their resources, fertile lands, tropical climate which promotes biodiversity and the strength of their wood for construction. The naval strength of Hadaalin and the impassable Crowanmar mountains have made an invasion impossible. The Crerulean Realm to the west is not considered a threat by Drinuvaria and controlling their territory is not deemed worth it as they are unaware or the riches held within its soil.


The Culture developed from a large farming community, eventually making contact with fishing villages on the coast and other farmers. From there they spread further in land and using the rivers took most of the lowland. After consolidating this they moved into the mountains in order to harness their resources. They have become more and more aggressive in their efforts to achieve more prosperity and hard-line fanatics very much believe in the the most good for the highest number of people.

Prosperity through Dilligence


  • Farsos - Regional
    A map of the Farsos region of the Drinuvarian Kingdom
Dissolution Date
791 TA
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Drinu, Drinish
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


While the Drinuvarian Kingdom would prefer to have closer diplomatic ties with Hadaalin but due to their recent expansionist tendencies, the Hadaalin Government have kept Drinuvaria at arms length and the borders closed to many trade deals.

Openly Trading

As with any nation, The Orangzamrud prefer to keep their foreign visitors contained to their capitol city. Trade moves freely where needed but the independent nature of the Orangzamrud means that the majority of good traded are more luxury than sustenance.

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