The etherium The First Aethernauts: 2450 - 2500 P.S (First Flight - 1st of Static)

The First Aethernauts: 2450 - 2500 P.S (First Flight - 1st of Static)

Discovery, Exploration

Aetherships Fly

Technology & Magic pushes life Beyond the Spheres

As philosophy, science and the arcane arts grew in understanding and capability the separated races looked to the sky at far distant nodes and wondered, "Are we alone?". The best and brightest began to build vessels capable of escaping the trappings of the Spheres they lived on. Many of the first Aethernauts were lost, never seen again as the Aether Streams they rode led them far beyond any chance of return. Others returned with news that life did in fact exist on other Spheres, some of which seeming to be of the same origin or race while some appeared to be completely alien like creatures of legend hailing from the days before the sundering.

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History of the Etherium (article)