The etherium Creation of The Forged: 2449 P.S (24th of Shrinking)

Creation of The Forged: 2449 P.S (24th of Shrinking)

Scientific achievement

Anima Autem Machina

A new form of sentient life is brought into the Etherium

The first Forged were Dwarves who found themselves crippled from injuries sustained from mining in environments so extreme that any other race would have stopped long beforehand. Rather than give up and retire a method was developed by their brightest Artificers to allow these crippled individuals a new lease on life. The Soul and Memory imprint of a living being could be painstakingly transferred into an artificial vessel that would become the core of a construct resembling the form the being had previously inhabited. With one major difference, these constructed bodies were made from metal, stone and wood. Equipped with these far more resilient bodies the newly made Forged could return to their work without worry of sustaining injuries that word have previously left them crippled or dead.

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