The etherium Forging of the Peace Accords: 3026 P.S (30th of Swelling)

Forging of the Peace Accords: 3026 P.S (30th of Swelling)

Diplomatic action

Armistice and Apprehension

War is bloody and afterwards Peace is all anyone wants

In order to maintain peace or at least a bare level of tolerance between the Confluences, the Neutral Spheres and the space around them declared Free Zones. This Free Zone would be beyond the laws and influence of the governments of both the C.T.U and the Collective. Trade would be fair and all races had equal rights so long as they kept the peace. A treaty called "The Armistice of Good Will" was signed by representatives of every race that wished to join(30th of Swelling). And so once again there was peace.

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History of the Etherium (article)