The etherium War of Gods & Fools: 1000 - 1 B.F

War of Gods & Fools: 1000 - 1 B.F

Military action

1st Intersphereical War

The Pride of the Gods leads them and their creations to War.

The various Races were spurred on by their Gods to prove their superiority through conflict. Each race desired to rise above the, using every known magic, power and technology against the others. Great disasters and travisties were caused by the wars that arose from the conflicts, with billions of casualties on every side. Some of the more docile races attempted to stay uninvolved but eventually everyone choose a side entering into the fray. These wars spanned for an unknown period of time, although it is spoke of in hundreds to a thousand years, until tragedy struck.

Related timelines & articles
History of the Etherium (article)