The etherium Birth of Nodes: 1000 - 1200 P.S

Birth of Nodes: 1000 - 1200 P.S


Light Returns

The Etherium stills and Day returns with Night.

For two hundred years the the races repopulated and grew watching as the Etherium formed into three concentrations of Spheres and light. The Threads of Aetherlight slowly began to twine together as they crossed each other combining into grand Streams of raw magic. Where these new Aether Streams crossed magnificent light bloomed into Nodes. The Nodes far brighter than the Threads or Streams illuminated the skies of the newly formed Confluences returning the races to the cycles of day and night, reigniting their spark of curiosity and creativity. A 360 day calendar was established based on the ebb and flow of Nodes with 4 months (Swelling, Static, Shrinking & Storing), each month with 90 days apiece.

Related timelines & articles
History of the Etherium (article)