Segavar Character in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


Mental characteristics

Personal history

With Rhuonsince the beginning, fought at the Battle of the Heart of Darkness. Returned west with him at the end of the Elderwars. Slew a (BIG THING) and gained possession of the dark blade it bore in combat. This blade was cursed. It fed his ambition and twisted his mind. As they traveled home, Sevagar grew more and more bitter. Lusting for power for himself; a victim of the blade: Iaghulth.

While fighting in the (Rounded Area), he meets and becomes obsessed with Aoife. She is a warrior-leader from the area. Aoife introduced Segavar to a cabal of would-be warlords, some opposed to Rhuon and others supposedly allied to him, with their own designs of power on the (rounded area).

Promised a crown and land of his own as well as Aoife as his queen, Segavar agreed to slay Rhuon. During the siege of Muspairhel, Segavar saw his chance and slid the dark blade of Iaghulth into Rhuon's back.

As Rhuon's army disintegrated around them, Segavar sought out his co-conspirators to retrieve his reward. Led astray by Aoife he was set upon by them and slain.

The blade Iaghulth was not found with his body.

Personality Characteristics


Ambitious, seeks power of his own.
Year of Death
259 BL
Circumstances of Death
Slain by his co-conspirators.

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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