Ragh Varn Building / Landmark in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Ragh Varn

For untold generations, Ragh Varn's shadow fell across the Western Peninsula and all who dwelled within it. It was the Dark Elder center of power and domination for the entire region. From its dark walls and labyrinthine undertunnels a seemingly endless tide of foul creatures and Dark Elder stalkers would spew forth to bring terror, slavery and carnage to the men and women of the area.

The fortress was besieged and cast down in Rhuanon's first significant victory over the Dark Elder forces. Though few spoke or wrote of that conflict, it is often said that even the heroes of man did not plumb the depths of its maze-like undergrowth and that, lurking there still, are the sleeping monstrosities of a more savage age. They sleep, the storytellers say, and wait for the call of their Masters.

The ruins still cling to the edge of the southern Giantspine range. The crumbling walls and passages are a danger of themselves but there is doubting that darker things have taken up residence or have inhabited since its fall. Every year, the ruins claim the lives of foolhardy knights and treasure-seeking peasants.
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