Honith Fashain Character in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Honith Fashain

Steward Honith Fashain

HONITH FASHAIN is the father of Sera Telayra Fashain. He serves as the Steward for the Naemar in the Eorldom of the Dawn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born the son of a Sworn Knight of the Dawn, HONITH was squired to a friend of his father. When his mentor-knight died during the chaos following the death of the Regent he was unable to complete his training. With the connections made, he was able to secure work as a clerk for the elderly steward serving the NAEMAR estates. In time, upon that man’s passing, HONITH was granted the post which was a welcome boon to him as his first child had recently entered the world. He and his wife lived solidly and were blessed with another child, DEMRAS, several years later. Unfortunately, DEMRAS caught ill in his 3rd year and did not last the winter.

This tragedy was followed soon after with the death of his wife, Meslina, due to natural causes. He woke up one morning and found her in bed alongside him-tranquil yet still.

Leveraging his connections with the NAEMAR and their bannermen, HONITH was able to secure a squiring position for his daughter. She was impressive enough that her mentor-knight funded her knighting and provided her with enough kit to seek a posting on her own merit.


Honith Fashain


Towards Meslina Fashain

Meslina Fashain


Towards Honith Fashain

Kavelis Fashain

Older Brother

Towards Honith Fashain


Honith Fashain

Younger Brother

Towards Kavelis Fashain



KAVELIS and HONITH had a strained relationship due to disagreements over Honith's choice to pursue a non-noble career to support his family. While Kavelis became a knight he spent a number of years as a hedge knight and Honith did not want the same fate. This falling out led to an estrangement between the brothers that impacted their close relatives.

Year of Birth
6 ET 53 Years old
Meslina Fashain (spouse)
Kavelis Fashain (Older Brother)
Current Residence
Naemar estate
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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