Gorial Sword-Lords Organization in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Gorial Sword-Lords

The GORIAL SWORD-LORDS held the lands north of the Kayter Wash in the Upper Sword Coast in the time of the Dark Elder and the rise of Rhone. They likely fought alongside Rhuanon and the army of all that he formed against the ELDER but no mention was made of them in any songs or scraps of memory. They came to power and influence after the departure of the ELDER and rose to control TARNFORT for more than a century before the RAVEN QUEEN waged the 2nd Sword Coast Campaign and ended their reign and their lives.

The GORIAL clan and sub-clans were one of those that were not spared and accepted into the embrace of a growing Rhone during the campaign. They fought too hard and too viciously for their to be any forgiveness or songs of peace between them and the warriors of RHONE.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Clan
Family Leader
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos