Dark Elder Organization in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Dark Elder

The Dark Elder are the Enemy of old.

Prior to the arrival of the Rhuani, the entire continent is said to have been under their sway. Beings of inhuman aspect and cruel as the tide, the Elder subjugated the ancestors of the peoples that lived on the continent in Time Immemorial. How long such a dark aspect hung over the land is unknown but eventually the Sun did rise and the Darkness flee when Rhuanon and the Rhuani, his people, landed on these shores and began the Elder Wars. Through years of war and blood, led by RHUANON AND HIS COMPANIONS and other Heroes, all of the peoples of the Continent freed themselves from the Dark Elders oppressive rule and chased them to the edge of the eastern shores. From there, they have not been seen again though stories persist of remnants of them or their dark, twisted brood arising from out of the fog and darkness of wilderlands to plague Man to this day.


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