Eight Companions of Rhuanon Myth in The Empty Throne | World Anvil

Eight Companions of Rhuanon


The Companions of Rhuanon were heroes from many different tribes but among them stand eight who walked the land like titans. The Eight Companions of Rhuanon are legends and heroes of all the lands. They accompanied him throughout the Elderwars and their adventures continued well beyond what would seem the lifetime of mortals. In the stories at least, they are always hale and youthful except in death. Although Rhuanon is considered the greatest of heroes and even the other lands would admit to his primary role in the defeat of the Dark Elder; each of the Heroes accomplished feats of such nature that they were worthy of their own songs and kingdoms. It is only against Rhuanon’s stature that they seem to be the companions to a Hero-King as opposed to masters of their own destinies.

The Companions are further renowned as they were the recipients of the Enchantress’ Gift: the Nine Blades. Each Blade was unique and of such dweomercraft and legend that the very whisper of their location is often enough to bring knights and treasure-seekers from all over the Continent. Some of the Blades have been found and then lost again for it almost seems as if the Blades have a mind of their own as to their role in Fate.

The Companions accomplished great deeds of war and valor throughout the long years of the Elderwars. From slaying Dragons to bringing down walls of black stone with their shouting, the legends are many and vary from place to place. Though Segavar was not one of these Eight Companions, due to his later deeds, it was his Envy of them that drove him to take the darkened blade, Iaghulth, and let its will warp him into the murderer that is now his only legacy.

It is after the Elderwars that the circle of Rhuanon and the Companions is broken. First, by Aemir who leaves in search of faith and purpose. Then by Khafoth and Lloern, driven by Vengeance although Lloern was able to turn from that path. Naeras’ ambition drove him away from Rhuanon in search of his own destiny, Caemir traveled south with the people he had liberated there during the war. Vemoryn followed Caemir to black deeds and the ruin of many. Only Moedas, Segravar and Hemeria stayed with Rhuanon and then only for a time.

When Rhuanon made his decision to seek the throne, Moedas turned away from his new cause and continued home to their people on the Peninsula. While Rhuanon fought in the Aenar, Moedas grew feverish and strange-speaking to all that knew him. He left in a small boat with no sails in the dark of night without a word to anyone. It was not until Arosaine had fled south to where her father’s support was supposed to be the strongest that she learned of his departure.

Hemeria left Rhuanon and Segravar soon after the Consolidation Wars had begun. She had steeled herself to confront Naeras with her love for him and traveled into the Overlands where Naeras had set about his own ambitions.

In the end, it was only Rhuanon and all know the end of that tale. The Circle broken, the Blades lost, the Hero slain by the Brother-of-his-Heart.

Of the Blades and the Heroes that remained, those tales come later.

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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