Baern Settlement in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


Large Village | Baraelon

The large village of BAERN is under Lord Vadras Baraeleon and has been since these lands were taken by Rhone. The settlement has existed since before the coming of the Rhuani in one form or another; originally as a seasonal campsite for the local tribe before it developed into a permanent settlement. The original name of the settlement is mostly lost to time though the generational descendants of the location still know it. It has been called BAERN since the arrival of the Baraeleon line was granted these lands for service during the Giantswar.


The people of BAERN are a mixed group with many of the more firmly established families descending from tribal SWORDBLOOD descendants. However, as with most RHONE settlements, there are always families of 'new blood' and many of these hail from all corners of the Westlands. Though once a new arrival makes it to the second generation they are generally indistinguishable in accent and behavior from any other Swordblood.


Like many settlements that have grown over time, BAERN has more than one defensive perimeters. The settlement has two separate defensive perimeters: Outer and Inner perimeter. This is due to expansion and later construction efforts.

Outer Perimeter

The Outer perimeter is warded by a palisade of tar-treated beams. This outer barrier is supported by five wooden towers. Looming over the palisade's one main opening is a large gatetower known unimaginatively as the BAERN GATE. This main tower is more fortified and houses a handful of soldiers at all times. This main tower is more fortified and There are four smaller wooden towers erected in the 'corners' of this lopsided town. These towers are separate from the palisade itself and were built at a later time. While protected by the palisade, they are not fortified to be as stout as the BAERN GATE. The four towers provide further lines of sight and allow for missile weapons to be employed. In addition, the palisade itself does have a narrow catwalk secured to the upper portion for deployment of troops to repel those seeking to breach or scale the palisade.

Inner Perimeter

The Inner Perimeter
Pop. (P)
~900 (5)
Assigned Steward
Local Authority
Founding Date
Time Immemorial
~900 (5)
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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