Salvation Organization in The Elysium Archipelago | World Anvil



The only current fact known about the structure of this group is that is it led by a being called Adam.

Public Agenda

The group supposedly pushes an extremist humanist agenda, vehemently opposing all who are not human. However, they also seem to carry prejudice against humanity in general, calling them "incomplete beings" and classifying them as "lambs".


Little is currently known about this organization. From the attempted insurrection from one member, former APD TOU Lieutenant Elijah Maxwell, also known by his codename Cyclone, it is understood that each member has extremely long life spans, with Maxwell having lived for over six-hundred years and appearing to be in his early thirties. It is also suggested that each member has a unique genetic makeup that grants them different physiological eccentricities, allowing them to perform extraordinary feats, such as Maxwell's exceptional swordsmanship & unnatural speed, strength, dexterity, endurance and agility. Lastly, it appears as though there is an unknown "blessed" energy that is hinted to be connected to their abnormal genetic makeup, falling in line with the religious zealotry they seem to hold.   It is hinted that the group operates out of France, specifically the city of Giverny, or at least uses it as one of their bases of operation.

Igne natura renovatur integra (Through fire, nature is reborn whole)

Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Revelators | Sovereign Sons