Yahemn Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Likely the most cheerful and well-meaning of the Syolladver, Yahemn is the goddess of community, togetherness and kindness. She values compassion and the freedom of all people, and she has followers spread across Syoll. Worship of her is very common, and her followers are usually deemed genuinely good people.   Yahemn is a pillar of goodwill and charity in Syoll and is very often called upon when an individual is in distress. She advocates for compassion and helping one another, and has been known to bless entire villages for the prayers of a single individual. She is known to be kind and generous, and is probably most likely to directly answer a prayer from a common follower. A select few sources also name Yahemn as a goddess of family, but it is more likely that a chosen family is meant over a biological one, since an individual’s wellbeing in their surroundings has been proven to be much more important to her than the family one is born with.   Yahemn’s holy symbol is a wreath of flowers. It is common for priests or acolytes of Yahemn to wear flower crowns, often ones that have been enchanted so they may be worn all year round. A wreath hanging in a house also is known to bring good luck and kindness to that household, so long as its inhabitants do the same.    Those who follow Yahemn are often found working for charities or as leaders of small communities. They highly value compassion and kindness and wish to help any who might need their assistance in any way. They are incredibly benevolent and peaceful, but they are rarely naive and are thus not usually taken advantage of.
Divine Classification


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