The Corruption of Phexdis Myth in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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The Corruption of Phexdis

When a great part of Phexdis’ followers became irrationally violent and destructive, stories started spreading about the goddess' acceptance of a darker image.  


The legend goes that Phexdis, gaining a sudden massive increase in followers and worship (and therefore power) during the War of Frost, became so powerful that she became greedy.   In the beginning, these changes must have been incredibly subtle, as none of her followers seemed to notice. Over time, however, it worsened. The change became so strong that a shift was felt by a select few clerics or paladins, who renounced Phexdis before it might affect them. Those that did not notice fast enough, however, eventually became overwhelmed by her thirst for power and acted out against anybody around them. The myth provides an explanation for the cause of the events of the War of Flames. Nobody knows for certain what the exact cause for the sudden shift was, so this legend has become the accepted account of the event and the most logical explanation.  


Although a very select few know about the legend, it—just as anything else relating to Phexdis—has been purposefully erased from history. Any who find out about it do so usually by accident when looking through an old book, and learn to take the secret to her grave.
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101 CY
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Oct 29, 2020 07:28

very cool that you added this article however it added no new information that has not been already mentioned in the article on Phexdis. It would be cool if we knew more about the origin of this myth and maybe how it changed over time or the different versions of it or any clues to know whether it is true or not.