Pirate Hunters Organization in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Pirate Hunters

The Pirate Hunters are a guild of fighters (and some ex-pirates) who spend their time on Nessur's Eye, protecting coastal settlements and ships from pirate attacks and pursuing known and dangerous pirates. Although they are an independent company, they are employed by the Syollan government and this way receive resources from the state with which they can outfit their members, as well as construct and maintain their ships.  

The Thanbonine War

The Pirate Hunters have often helped various island nations, most commonly the Salt Isles, fight off larger threats from pirates. This did not change when the Thanbonine Isles were attacked and conquered by a large group of pirates, led by Queen Nelth. The Pirate Hunters led a campaign to free them again, and succeeded. However, this was only the beginning of the Thanbonine War, into which the Pirate Hunters had now been thrown head-first.
Founding Date
764 CY
Guild, Privateers
Training Level


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