Mercovari Character in The Eight Aspects of Syoll | World Anvil
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Although Mercovari is commonly known as the god of healing, he also holds the opposite in his hands, namely death. His goal is to help those in need, but if there is nothing to be done, then he will help them pass quietly and painlessly. Although he sometimes does bring people back from the dead when called upon by his followers, Mercovari despises the undead and their violation of the natural order of things. When an individual seeks help from a healer that follows Mercovari, the potency of that healer’s magic will change, depending on whether Mercovari sees that the individual still carries potential or not. There are multiple rituals for the healer to find out the potential of a person.   Because of Mercovari’s dominion over life and death, he is often respected and revered even by people with little faith or religious beliefs. In earlier references he was also named the god of birth, but that has since been lost.   The holy symbol of Mercovari is a half-filled, tear-shaped glass vial. Next to simplistic representations, followers sometimes carry a necklace with such a vial, usually filled with a red liquid, be it wine, a healing potion or (on rare occasion) blood.   Most important to followers of Mercovari is the order of things. Fate is often mentioned, and once a being is dead, it is believed that this shouldn't be changed. However, followers can sometimes sense that a being is not done with their purpose and will then have the ability to bring them back. However, those that bend the laws of the universe to serve their own selfish needs, like liches, have no place whatsoever in the world and must be eradicated.
Divine Classification


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