The Wind-Guided Bow Item in The Dragon Isles | World Anvil

The Wind-Guided Bow

In the ancient days of the Dragon Isles, there was a great archer known as Kuan-yin. She was a master of the bow and could shoot with unerring accuracy. Kuan-yin was known for her skill in battle and her bravery, and she was greatly respected by her people. One day, Kuan-yin was approached by a powerful and wise being who had taken on the form of a beautiful woman. The being offered to grant Kuan-yin a gift, and Kuan-yin asked for a bow that could never miss its mark. The being granted Kuan-yin's wish, and she crafted a beautiful bow from the finest jade and gold. She imbued it with her own magical powers, making it unbreakable and granting it the ability to always hit its target.   Kuan-yin named the bow the "Wind-Guided Bow" and used it in many battles, never once missing her mark. The bow became legendary, and many sought to possess it, but Kuan-yin kept it close and protected it fiercely.   Eventually, Kuan-yin passed on, but the Wind-Guided Bow remained, passed down through the generations to the greatest archers of the Dragon Isles. The last known person to wield the Wind-Guided Bow was a powerful archer named Shin, who used it to great effect in many battles, including against the fire titan known as Xuanhuo, the Eternal Flame.   It is not known what happened to the Wind-Guided Bow after Shin, but it is said that it still exists and is waiting for a worthy archer to claim it and continue its legacy. Some say it is hidden away in a secret location, protected by powerful magic, while others believe it has been lost to the ages. Legend says that whoever finds the Wind-Guided Bow will possess a weapon of great power and accuracy, and will be able to claim victory in any battle.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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