Kui-Kui Species in The Dragon Isles | World Anvil


  The Kui-Kui is a large, herbivorous creature that roams the steppes of the Zhangi Wilds in herds. It has a thick, shaggy coat of fur that protects it from the cold temperatures of the region. The Kui-Kui is known for its impressive size and strength, and it is a popular game animal for the nomadic tribes and the dwarves and goliaths of the Riven Mountains. The Kui-Kui's meat is highly prized for its rich, savory flavor, and its hide is used to make a variety of useful items, such as clothing and shelter. The Kui-Kui is also an important source of food for the predators of the Zhangi Wilds, such as wolves and ice giants.   In the native tongue of the nomadic tribes of the Zhangi Wilds, the word "Kui-Kui" means "great strength." This name was given to the creature due to its impressive size and powerful build, which make it a formidable game animal. The name is often used as a term of respect and admiration for the Kui-Kui, and it is seen as a symbol of the strong and resilient spirit of the Zhangi Wilds.


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