Walthar Bass Character in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

Walthar Bass

Fisher King Walthar Bass

Walthar Bass was the first of the Fisher Kings of Nephatar and the fabled founder of the city.   In 466 APC he made a famous voyage between his home town in Myruthea (then only a small fishing village) and the continent of Punjuki. By doing so, he proved that ocean travel was possible one again, after several centuries when no-one had dared to risk it, due to the sea monsters which had preyed on shipping following the turmoil of the Planar Conformation.   On the 11th Mald, 467 APC, boosted by the enormous success of his journey and the fame that came with it, he declared himself the Fisher King of Nephatar, initiating a whole program of ocean voyages which made the fortune of many local sailors, established the formation of the first of the Water Kingdoms and elevated Nephatar from a lowly village to become a powerful city in a remarkably short period of time.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
2nd Findil, 401 APC
Date of Death
19th Tuzlle, 506 APC
Place of Death
Founded Settlements

Cover image: Magicians' End - Walthar Bass by DMFW with Night Cafe
Character Portrait image: Magicians' End - Walthar Bass by DMFW with Night Cafe


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