Veren Lapset Ethnicity in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

Veren Lapset

The Veren Lapset are the Children of Blood, born from the union of male and female fey in the conventional manner that also applies to mortal human beings.   All fey in the current age are Veren Lapset, but at the Dawn of the Fey, the first of their race emerged directly from chaos and imagination. These fey were called the Unelmien Lapset, the Children of the Dream, and as far as is known for certain, all of them are now dead.


Historical figures

The first of the Veren Lapset was Merch Gyntaf, born the daugher of Mam Gyntaf, the first mother, and Tad Cyntaf, the first father. She is still revered amongst the fey as the one who showed that there was a future for their race beyond the murky imagination of human dreams. Her birth marks the end of the age of the Dawn of the Fey and the start of the Age of Wandering.
Encompassed species

Articles under Veren Lapset

Cover image: The Discontinuum by DMFW with Midjourney


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