The Final Examiners Organization in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

The Final Examiners

The Final Examiners were a secret crack unit of highly trained mage assassins who worked under the auspices of the Examination Board, during the age of the Moderators' Council. They were responsible for the execution of mages found guilty of grave crimes.   The badge shown at the head of the article, was called a "token of moderation". Receipt of this token signified to a mage that they had been found guilty of crimes against the Moderators' Council and could now expect retribution.

1st Mald, 2430 APC - 7th Tuzlle, 3027 APC

Government, Secret Service
Ruling Organization

Articles under The Final Examiners

Cover image: Magicians' End - Final Examiners' Badge by DMFW with Midjourney
Character flag image: Magicians' End - Final Examiners' Badge by DMFW with Midjourney


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