The Dark Bleed Language in The Discontinuum | World Anvil

The Dark Bleed

A language which originated in the deep Discontinuum and is spoken by the Ancient and Glorious in the Dark Domains on Magicians' End . Although not common in the local realms patrolled by the Stability Council , it is thought that this language is widespread in the remote regions where the Ancient and Glorious are frequently found.

Writing System

The Dark Bleed is only ever written in smoking curlicues of white stone, the essence of the text residing in the full three dimensional structure of the carving. Studying these texts is said to make men and women go mad, not only because the language is opaque and difficult to understand but because there is something deeply unsettling built into the meaning extracted from a language that looks superficially similar to a form of decoration with an evil aesthetic.

Geographical Distribution

On Magicians' End, the Dark Bleed is spoken and written only in the Dark Domains but it is known to have come from remote regions of the Discontinuum where only a very few Agents have ever penetrated and returned alive.

Cover image: Discontinuum Languages - The Dark Bleed by DMFW with Leonardo AI


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